Thursday, August 4, 2016

Long time, No see

Hi there guys -- It has been so long since I have blogged or done anything related to associating with the outside world besides facebook. A LOT has changed and I feel like I say that every time I fall off the wagon and get back on with this. For starters, I moved to Nevada. Yes, Nevada. A very small rural town in Nevada that is three hours away from every town north, south, east and west from it. So you can say I feel a little trapped so to speak. We moved here in April for a job opportunity for my husband. It was well worth it but I do miss Texas. I just don't feel home. Every single time I think about it, the Sandy song from SpongeBob comes to mind. "Wish I was back in Texas, I want to go hooo-oo-me?" Eh.. That was a little embarrassing. Anywho, I miss my family. It just feels so unnatural to me to be so far away. I am not driving distance or even road trip distance. At least not with two kids. I am 22 hours away from the only home I ever known. We left a house that was literally around the corner from my parents house and I would be lying if I said I don't miss it. Because I do every single day. But this was a good decision for my family. A pay raise and a promotion for us. Financial stability is so important whenever you are raising kids, especially in this economy. Besides, next summer we are looking into buying in Utah -- Salt lake city to be exact. So I am excited for that and although I hate it here in Nevada at least I have that to look forward to.

Anyways, on to the kids update. Dorrian is growing like a weed. He will be four in November. In three short months, I will be the mother of a four year old. I still can't grasp that. Everytime I think about it, this one memory comes to mind. I have no idea why either, because it was just an ordinary night. He was a swaddled little newborn. I was getting him back to sleep and I had the little blue lamp on, on his end table next to my rocking chair. I was looking at him, how long he was, how he fit into my arms so perfectly thinking how one day he won't. I starting singing you are my sunshine as he drifted back to sleep. I still till this day think of that memory, why? I have no idea. Because it was just a sleepless night for me.

Now for Zooey -- She is almost sixteen months old! We are just now winging her from breastfeeding. So far she is doing awesome! My goal was a year but winging is just harder than it sounds, which I did not know until it was time to do so. Especially for her because she was just obsessed with it. But I chose to wean because it consumed my life. I wasn't able to hardly do anything without her wanting to nurse every minute. Any time I laid down, it was like she sensed it and would come use me a buffet. It was hurting my mental state so I made the responsible decision in order to be a better mother for her. She is walking, talking and is such a little spoiled diva. Her daddy spoils her rotten! She says mama, dada, papa, nana, bubba, baby, bye bye, hi, uh oh, no, doggy, etc. She is such a sweet little girl and I am just so proud to be her mama!

I just wanted to update you guys and I hope to get back into this and become better at it! I like to think of this as a journal for me. Somewhere I can come write my feelings and share them with you guys. Whether you care or not, haha. But I hope to get more categories out there!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

, Name change... again. I had an uncle who would always call me his freckled fox. So I just went with it. It is catchy and cute and explains me. Hopefully it sticks!


Friday, October 16, 2015

raisingme Has Been Changed!

Hi guys! -- I am so terribly sorry that I just fell off the wagon and quit posting. I guess juggling everything was just too much and I lost motivation. But I am here on the hopes of turning a new leaf over with a "new" blog!

Right now I am just trying to change up the blog and social media accounts with my new name. So bare with me while I get back on track!

For now enjoy a couple pictures of the kiddos recently.

Dorrian will be three next month.. I'll be the mother of a three year old. Excuse me while I go cry. No but seriously it feels like just yesterday he was turning two -- I don't get it. Someone slow down that clock!

Zooey is six months old now! Working on her crawling now  -- no progress. She is still as clingy as a leech on me. But I love it -- She is taking more to her dad and grandparents a little bit at least.

Well hopefully I will be more willing to blog now. Just finding time between two kids, getting back into school, cleaning and then more cleaning; to blog or really to do anything other than sleep. Because Zooey has been so harsh on me these last six months as far as sleep. She still wakes up very hour to two hours every single night. But we're working on changing that.

I guess I will end this here and go work on everything a little bit more.


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Zooey's 2 Month Update

First and foremost, let me start off by apologizing that I haven't been posting lately. My laptop is a screwed up mess. I hate using it -- dread it. Plus the mom life has just taken a toll on me lately too. I am so tired that by the time I do have to sit and do something it is usually netflix. But then today I was like what the heck -- I can multitask, yo. 

 Zooey turned 2 months on the 7th of June, so yes this is a little. Maybe not a little but you know... That also marks two months of breastfeeding also. I pat myself in the back for that because it has been a hard journey!

One of the many perks of having multiples in such a good gap is their bond. They absolutely adore each other. Each morning Dorrian will tell Zooey good morning and Zooey's face just lights up with a big smile. It warms my heart to see them so happy together. Although I know once she becomes mobile and understands his toys it will be a little different. But right now I am just going to enjoy their happiness.

At Zooey's appointment whenever she turned two months she was 11 pounds and 10 oz. She is growing so fast and I just can't believe it. Looking at her and seeing Dorrian it is hard to see how it was possible for Dorrian to be that small once. But it just teaches me to savor each second of her growing up each day.

Breastfeeding has created such a strong bond between her and I. So strong that she wants no one but me, literally. If I go out it has to be whenever she is asleep, if I am not back by the time she gets up. Oh yeah... WW3. My husbands calls me asking where I am and that she is losing it, ha! But I better enjoy that too while it lasts. She also started "sleeping through the night." But not consistently. She is SO easy to get back to sleep though. So I don't mind getting up with her what so ever. My son on the other hand would take at least 30-40 minutes to get back to sleep. I have it pretty easy with her, not going to lie. Knock on wood.

Sorry I had to make this post so short. Zooey is more than likely about to wake up from her nap. I am also pretty darn hungry. Thanks for reading!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Crayon Crunch: My Magical Adventure Kickstarter!

If you are anything like me, then you love reading children's books! It is so calming and the kids just love it. I could read to my son for so long, he would just listen and take it all in. I think it is so important to read books to our kids because it helps their imagination and brain development. My son has learned many words from books like Dr. Seuss. For which I am thankful for, because I sure can't get him to sit and learn words with me.

There is a new book coming out that I am dying to share with you guys. It is called "My Magical Adventure" and it puts a new spin to children books. It is so creative and visually appealing that any child will love it, I am sure of that because I know I love it already. For starters, it allows you to create personalized look of your child such as: eye color, hair color/style, skin color, clothing, facial features and/if your child has a disability. Isn't that neat? I thought so too. It allows your child to learn diversity.

You can customize each of the features above

In addition to it's creativity, the moral of the story is your child finds a treasure box  in their attic which is customized with the first letter of your child's name as the keyhole. They have trouble finding the key while exploring the attic and come across a hat that they try on which then embarks a whole world for them to explore. On the journey in this world they just discovered they come across various creatures that are all different themselves. At the end they come across a tree that holds magic and the key to the treasure box! Such a sweet story idea I thought, because I have never heard of anything like it that's for sure!

Now all they need to get this book done is your help. Almost like a supply and demand. Just click the link here and you can help kickstart this amazing book! Also you can get a bit for insight on the story and creators there also. By becoming a backer you will get the book softcover or hardcover and depending on which one your choose you can also get a coloring book! Go check it out and lets help this book launch! I am excited to see how successful it becomes.

God Bless!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Belated Mother's Day

Not sure if you all have been paying attention to the weather later, but it has been terrifying. I live in the north Texas, so we have been getting hit with no breaks for the past week or so. Today I finally see sun and clouds that don't look all angry. Which this weather would of been perfect yesterday for Mother's Day.

I spent yesterday in a bathtub, cuddled up with my kids praying for my life. Three tornadoes were on the ground in my county so I seriously thought I was gone for good. I had to calm my two year old down because the tornado sirens outside were terrifying him. Plus the fact we were all piled up in a bathtub didn't help because he had no idea what was going on. What a Mother's Day right? Luckily it did not no damage anywhere here and everyone ended up being safe. Thank God, but it was so scary.

Other than that, I hope your Mother's Day went great. I spent mine with my kids most of the day until my husband came home (before the storm struck, Thank God he was here with me for that.) But then afterwards we went for a grill out at my parents house. But all in all, it was a great day by far.

This was my first Mother's Day as a mother of two. Oh and what a journey it has been. A journey of poop, tears, screams, laughter and love. When I became a mother at 19, I knew life was going to change big time. When I laid eyes on my son, I grew up instantly. I knew that the little guy in my arms depended on me and loved me no matter what. The happiness of motherhood is one that is hard to explain. You can't explain the love for your child until it happens for yourself. It is a bond that is so beautiful not enough words in world can show it. 

 Watching my son grow up over the two and a half years has shown that I am a good mother. He is the sweetest little boy and I am not proud of him. Along came Zooey and the love he has for his sister is so beautiful. He loves her unconditionally and he proud of her himself. Watching them brings so much joy to my heart and I am honored to be their mother.

I am in love with these little gifts from God himself. He has given them to me to raise, teach, love and care for. So far, I am doing good. I love them. I will always love them.

God blessed my family today. We have been in a little financial hole lately. After bringing in another little one we realized we just were not getting anywhere financially. Not being able to save, not having much extra money left over to do anything and just not being comfortable. My husbands job was starting to cause so much stress because of the hours he was working was not worth the pay he was getting. Today God hears our prayers and my husband is now officially the General Manger of Holiday Inn Express here in town with a 18k raise. I am beyond thrilled because now is when our life starts and we can finally after four years be comfortable and not have to stress about money. Thank you God. This was my Mother's Day present.

God Bless You All!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Zooey's One Month Update

Boy, it is hard to believe a month ago I gave birth to the most beautiful little girl I have ever laid eyes on. I must say though it has been a rather easy month, yes I did say easy. I remember with Dorrian I thought the first three months were the toughest months of my life, ever. So when I say easy, by golly I mean it.

Breastfeeding is still going strong, I have fallin' so in love with it. Everything seems to be going perfect with it, so I hope it stays that way. I have yet to decide how long I will be breastfeeding for, so I am just going to let nature take it's course.

Sleeping has been good also. I still bed share so that it makes breastfeeding easier, plus I get some shut eye. I tried to have her sleep in her bassinet, but that didn't go so well. It is like she knows when she isn't near me. She starts grunting and kicking her legs to wake herself up. But we will keep it up because I don't want her getting so used to sleeping in my bed that I can't get her out.

With my husband working  10 hour days it is hard to have any mommy time. So lately I have been running errands and spoiling myself at Target. Problem is I get so lost in Target, thinking I will be in there for 15 minutes and end up taking over an hour. So when that happens, Zooey wakes up and realize my husband isn't me and starts screaming. So she is a mommy's girl big time. I don't mind but I would like to get out of the house without the worry.

So far, so good though. Dorrian loves her. I love her. My husband loves her. Parents love her. Everyone loves here. So that is all that matters.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Boba Wrap Review

After searching high and low for a wrap that was within budget and good quality I came across the Boba wrap, which I love with all my heart. My mother in law actually bought it for me as a early mothers day present and I am quite obsessed with it.

It is comfortable, easy to get the hang of and secure. My daughter whenever she is cranky and I need to get some things done around the house, all I do is wrap her up and wear her. Seconds later she is snoozing, so she obviously approves! My Boba wrap is such a life saver I don't know what I would do without it.

Now to the basics; It lasts from birth to 18 months. My daughter is pretty heavy for a one month old and before trying this I thought that carrying her was going to do my back in. But she feels almost as light as a feather with how comfortable it is. There are also various ways to wrap her to pick which one you both enjoy the most. I am a pro at wrapping her now in just a few tries! So that proves how easy it is to get the hang of also, because I am a little slow. (I swear I should be blonde.)

I think everyone needs one in their life, because honestly how the hell do you get anything done? Plus the big benefits are when you go out. You don't need to haul a huge car seat or stroller with you. You can just bring your Boba wrap and wear your baby and not have to worry about anything. Plus ladies; think about the benefits of the workout you get from it.

I totally recommend one. Because if you are anything like me, I don't want to spend over 100 bucks on a carrier for her. That is just outrageous to me, because that is two big boxes of diapers.

Check out the Boba wrap here. Cute colors to choose from also, huh?

They give you a book that shows step by step on how to do it, but I used youtube videos but I suck at learning from pictures. I need to see the details. I found a really helpful video for the newborn tie here.


My daugher will be one month in two days. Fastest month of my life. I can't believe it. It is crazy how fast time goes by when you don't want it to and how slow it goes by when you do want it so, isn't it? I don't get it.

                                                 a little portrait of my family to you.

Anyways, God Bless!


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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Travel To Narnia, I Wish

I pray for patience today. I realized today how hard everything is. How much stress it can take to make me go crazy. To the verge of tears because it is the only emotion that makes me feel release.

My broken sleep from my nursing newborn to my two years old coming in my room every morning lately at 7 in the morning. I miss sleep. It would not be so bad if I could at least sleep in a little, but for some reason lately my son has woken up earlier than usual. I have come to the conclusion that he is trying to drive me off the edge because it is humorous to him. Yes he is two, but he is smart and I am sure he does think like that.

My daughter lately has been fighting the fact that she doesn't want to be alone. Trying to get anything done around the house is almost impossible because if she isn't in my arms, she is crying. I hate hearing her cry so of course I hold her when she wants, which is all day. So now most of the time I am carrying her in my boba wrap. Which allows me to get things done that are needed. But I so wish I could just run off into my wardrobe and find a magical land and befriend a friendly lion, just for a few days.

Since it is Sunday I decided every Sunday I will end a post with a quote from the Bible. One that touched me deeply, because we all need them. Keeps me positive and motivated.

"I cried to God for help. From his temple He heard my voice."
I know I am never alone even when I feel that way. When I am at my witts end with everything, I can pray and He will listen.

God Bless
Don't forget to vote for my blog on topbabyblog and follow/like me on my social media. Please and thank you!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Recipe: Yummy Chicken Spinach Alfredo -- Four Ingredient Meal

Looking for something pretty easy AND cheap? Have no fear, I am here. (Sounded better in my head.)

Talk about yummy though, I love pastas of any kind. They are so easy to make too, you can pretty much whip up anything into a pasta.

Chicken Spinach Alfredo


2 Chicken Breasts
1 box of frozen spinach (or canned)
1 jar of any kind of alfredo sauce (I used three cheese alfredo sauce for this)
1 box of penne regate pasta noodles


first; Bring your pasta noodles to a boil; meanwhile cut up your chicken breasts and add it to a skillet.
second; Once your pasta is tender (or the way you like it) drain it and add your alfredo sauce.
third; add your cooked chicken to the same pot as your noodles and alfredo; stir
four; heat up your spinach (if frozen) and add it to your pasta. I usually use half but depends on your taste buds. stir, stir, stir and enjoy.

That is it, easy right? Delicious too. If you are a carbs lover like I am, I served it with a roll and fresh mixed vegetables. Yummy!

Vote for us on topbabyblogs -- follow/like us on our social media. Thanks!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Life of A Young Mother Of A Toddler and A Newborn // Our Routine + 10% Discount Code for A Cute Girl Clothing Shop

Whenever I was pregnant I never thought about how much life would change once Zooey made her arrival. It never hit me - until recently honestly. Don't get me wrong, she is a perfect baby. But she is also so much different then Dorrian was so I wasn't expecting it. 

For starters she is awake during the day A LOT. I thought that maybe she would be a night owl because that is all you hear whenever you are pregnant -- "oh, enjoy your sleep while you have it!" Yes, she wakes up every two hours to feed of course but she goes back to sleep so soundly it is unreal. I guess that is where bed sharing has its perks though. But also has its downfalls because now she can not go to sleep without being in my arms. Which I do not mind because I love it and according to my husband she "will be my last one" (doubt it.) I plan to once she is about 6 weeks to break her from bed sharing and put her in her own crib. Should be an easy transition, right? Knock on wood "knock...knock." It is just almost impossible if you are breastfeeding to not bed share unless you want NO sleep what so ever. Which face it.. I have a two year old, I need my fuel for the day to cope with it all. 

She is a happy baby -- hardly EVER cries. Which is another thing I just was not expecting. I was ready to bust out the ear plugs on her arrival but I haven't needed them. I am just so happy with how this is going so far. Although Dorrian has been acting out a little bit -- but it is kind of cute, kind of. 

My routine starts with getting up whenever my son comes in my room to wake me up, between 7-8 am. Changing Zooey and Dorrian (because he still has yet to get potty training down) and getting Zooey fed. After that preparing Dorrians breakfast and milk. Usually after this I take a little "wake up break" meaning I wake my brain up a little bit by watching Grey's Anatomy while Zooey sits in her swing because this is when she is wide awake. Which stays this way until afternoon time. I will do some house cleaning between 10-12, while she is content. I feed her until she goes to sleep once I am done and make Dorrian his lunch. I will eat because usually around this time I realize I haven't ate all day, which you would think the low blood sugar and shaking would alert me but it does not. After he eats, I use this time to have "mom time." Usually I either blog, web browse, facebook and/or listen to music. Around 4-5 is when the husband gets home and I spend the evening preparing dinner for us all, cleaning it all up afterwards, bathe time for Dorrian and he goes to bed at 8:30 pm. This is when we all go down. Netflix and cuddles until we all fall asleep. Every day is basically the same. Same shit different toilet.  (insert sarcastic thumbs up emoji)

Now drum roll please... We recently became brand enthusiast for a new cute etsy girls shop. The creator gave me a discount code to share with all of you daughter havers. 10% off anything in her shop. You should totally go check it out! It is a very cute little shop and once we order Zooey her clothes from there I will share the pictures! Just click here to go check it out! Just use the code ZOOEY10 to get your discount. Enjoy! 


Vote for us on topbabyblogs // follow and like us on our social media too! 
God Bless.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

My Second Birth Story

I remember at the beginning of my pregnancy, I thought to myself "maybe this time I can experience what going into natural labor myself is like." Because with my son I had to be induced because I was not going in on my own, which I didn't mind because I was pretty done with being a giant balloon at that point. With this last pregnancy with my daughter it was pretty smooth and REALLY fast. One day I was peeing on a stick and the next day I was pushing. The last month of my pregnancy it seemed by my last few check ups I was dilating and effacing good and everything seemed to be moving along.

The last week before the arrival of my due date my doctor asked if I wanted to schedule an induction. She didn't believe I was going to make it to that date but she knew I needed to have her around her due date because I needed help with my son, which my mother took the week off that my due date was on to help. So I scheduled it for April 7th at 5:30 in the morning.

The night before my induction my husband and I dropped our son off at my mothers an went to eat at Red Lobster for a "last date for awhile" sort of dinner. To enjoy time to ourselves because we knew we were not going to get it again for awhile. My nerves were just skyrocketing as I watched the clock ticking at dinner. That is probably the one thing I hated most about being induced because I knew what was happening and I had all the time in the world to think about it. Around 9 p.m. we went to bed and of course I could not sleep for the life of me, I was praying I would wake up before 5:30 with contractions and labor would have already started. The next thing I knew my alarm went off and it was that time.... scared shitless I woke up and got everything together. As we were walking out the door to load up in the car I took one last look at our home that was empty, quiet and peaceful...

As we got to the hospital and up to the women's center I had to sign a bunch of papers, some of them were just very useless but it kept my mind off of what was happening for a second. Nurse made me change into my gown and hooked me up to the monitors. Shockingly the nurse told me I was having contractions and was shocked they weren't hurting me.. She said I was defiantly going to go into labor that day or the next. So that eased my mind a lot... Although I still was being induced.

I wanted one last picture of my pregnant belly before all of this started.

They started my IV and my pitocin at 6:40 a.m. My doctor came in to check me and I was 4 cm dilated and 90% effaced. My mother arrived after her radiation around 8 to be with me because this time I wanted her with me for my labor and delivery. So my aunt was watching Dorrian, she was visiting from England for a couple weeks. At the time of her arrival the contractions kicked into high gear at that point. They started dull in my lower back area then made their way to the front and got so intense it brought tears to my eyes. I tried so hard to make it through them but I had to cave in and get the epidural. I just wanted this experience to be one that I could enjoy and not be in so much pain, so I was so ready for that needle in my spine.

By this point things were progressing so so fast. At 10:30 I was 6 cm dilated and then an hour later I was 7 cm dilated. They told me whenever I started feeling pressure to let them know and after 30 minutes of them just checking me I felt that pressure. They came into the room to check and I was 9.9 dilated and 100% effaced. At this point I started freaking out as they were bringing in the supplies and all of her stuff. It hit me this time that this was real, this was happening. Everyone tried to call me down but they just had no idea, they weren't laying on this bed.

At 12:30 it was time for me to push. I was ready to meet her but I was terrified. I started pushing and thought she was going to slide right on out. But I got my hopes up with that.. She was turned the wrong way in my birth canal. Meaning the way her body was angled was going to make it so much harder to get her out. I remember yelling asking if she was nearly out but they just smiled and said keep pushing.. I have never wanted to punch someone so hard before then at that point. My doctor said when I push she goes down but then when I stop she goes right back up. I was so aggravated and tired. I just wanted it over because my energy was giving up. I remember screaming because my doctor was trying to turn her in my birth canal as I was pushing. I thought that it was her fingers but later on my husband told me she was elbow deep on me trying to turn her... So that explain why it was so painful. Which I guess I should of known this because every time I took a break, my doctors arms were covered in blood. But honestly that was just the least of my worries. After an hour and four minutes of pushing she was here at 1:44 p.m... She decided to make her grand entrance (thank God.) Because my nurses said if I wouldn't of pushed as hard as I did the last few time they were going to have to get me into emergency C-section because they did not think I was going to get her out.

Her cry brought tears to my eyes, I was so excited and happy. My beautiful little girl weighing in at 8 pounds 13 oz and 22 inches long. Which is 8 oz bigger than my son, shocked the hell out of me. I thought she was going to be tiny. Her size and the fact she was facing the wrong way made my pushing unbearable but all so worth it! As my doctor was repairing a small tear and stitching me up, I held her and she immediately stopped crying when she heard my voice. It was truly magical. She was so healthy and had no complications, just a knot on her head from my doctor trying to turn her. I was able to breastfeed her immediately and she latched so perfectly.

Two days postpartum in the hospital was all I had to start in there for. I remember with my son I had to stay for five days because of complications with him. Our first day home was glorious, I was so happy to be home. No nurses knocking every two hours checking my vitals or asking when the baby ate last, it was so great.

Now here we are almost three weeks later and everything is still going perfectly. Zooey is such a perfect little baby and I could not be any happier.


Don't forget to vote for my blog on topbabyblogs and follow us on our social media's! Thank you. Please share!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Try the New Pictli + 20% Off Order With My Code!

Have you pictli yet? It is an amazing new online business app that you have to try! All you do is just pick a photo of your choosing out of your camera roll, instagram or facebook and choose a high quality frame from their choices and it gets delivered at your door step! It is that easy. No needing to print them off and run to get them at Walgreens and put them in a frame yourself, it gets way easier than that with pictli. Try it by clicking here. OR download their app with your phone or tablet.

I love it and found it pretty exciting so I just had to share it. Here is my photo with my pictli frame. I ordered it Monday and it just arrived yesterday. So they are pretty fast on shipping and delivery also, which is big for me.

Such cute wrapping and even a little gift note card, which I thought was adorable. There are many frames to choose from, sizes and what landscape you want the picture. So the customization of it was pretty easy and fun.

Go try it out now and use my code to get 20% off your order --  HG1504.

Have fun! Follow them on instagram and twitter too! Use hashtage #pictli

Don't forget to vote for us on topbabyblog and follow me on my social media's!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Zooey and Breastfeeding Update Week 1 + Pictures

My choice of breastfeeding was a last minute one -- literally. I decided I was going to breastfeed the last week of my pregnancy. I say choice because I was really rallying on formula feeding, just like I did with my son. Except with him I tried it and gave up. Reason being I had NO idea what I was doing and I was a first time mother, so the fact that I had no idea if he was latched or getting enough just startled me into formula feeding. I didn't have the support as I do now, living closer to my mother so it all helps. 

As soon as I had Zooey they wanted me to get her to latch. She latched on the first try and the nurses were just so shocked to see a newborn latch to perfectly the first time. That is when I knew this was going to be piece of cake -- when I fell in love with breastfeeding. I have always heard how bonding it is to breastfeed and I never could figure out why or how it was any different then bonding with a bottle. But now I see it, it is literally the most beautiful bonding experience I could cherish with my daughter and I regret not sticking with it with my son. Plus you really do bounce back fast. It is like every morning when I wake up my stomach has shrunk a little bit. So that makes me extra happy!

Although I am still a noob to breastfeeding, I learn something new every single day. Right now I am just trying to keep my milk supply up. Which I have to pump after each feeding, which is what I am trying to do. Also watch what you eat, which is another thing I am trying to do. This time I am determined to lose weight and get healthy/fit! I started so late after Dorrian last time that I just was not motivated. I just need to talk the husband into buying me a scale.

Week 1 Update -- Zooey

Let me start off by saying... Oh my gosh, she is a cake walk compared to Dorrian! She NEVER cries, only time she does is if she is REALLY hungry or you just stuck a super cold wipe on her. But all I have to do is pick her up and she stops. She is also so good at sleeping, which is crazy. I remember walking the floors all night to get Dorrian back to sleep and I was so stressed every single day. I co sleep with Zooey though so that may be why. It just makes everything so much easier on us all to be that way. My husband and I have a routine of him getting up whenever she needs changed and me feeding her. Which by feeding her all I have to do is plop the ol' boob out and away she goes! 

She is such an easy baby though, I could go on for hours about how great she is. Dorrian is taking to her so well also. He loves helping and holding her, he is so proud of his little sister. There is nothing more beautiful then to see them bonding. I say that now but I know once she starts taking his toys there will be war. 

Being 21 and having two kids is quite exhausting, but I have never been so happy in my life. Having children at such a young age has grown me up to be a woman. Which I bless God every day for allowing me to bear two healthy and beautiful little beings. Some people might believe that having children holds you back, which is not the case. It may slow it down and make it a little more difficult but it is worth every single step. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this post -- don't forget to vote for my blog on topbabyblog. Help me get this blog growing so that I can excite you all with new things to try.

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Also if you don't mind taking the time and voting for Zooey for this little contest. I have never done it, but I see so many moms entering and figured what the hay, worth a shot! Just click here and vote, please!

God bless you guys and thanks!

---- Don't forget to add me on my social media networks also. Listed above to the top right!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

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